Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Doctor Strange Teaser Trailer Review and Breakdown.

It's a good time to be a Marvel fan. 

So the Doctor Strange first teaser trailer has just been released, you can watch it here:

And here is my review and breakdown. 

The trailer starts with what looks to be the accident Stephen Strange was in that damage many bones, breaking most and doing permanent damage to his hands. Whilst this is happening we can hear a voice telling Dr. Strange to forget everything he knows. 

We get constant flashes from his life before the accident, to during his accident and then to after his the accident. Whilst finding out that this reality is simply one of many. 

The word reality gets thrown around a lot so it looks like we could be seeing the next infinity stone in the Reality Gem. Right before Stephan Strange gets karate chopped right out of his body by the Ancient One. Literally. He is hovering over his frozen body. Which has to be one of my favourite moments of the teaser. 

But then we have my actual favourite moment of the trailer where we can see someone walking down a corridor, bending reality around them.

"There are other ways to save lives"
And here we have my favourite line with who looks to be someone like The Ancient One showing Strange that he may be a doctor, but he can save lives in completely different ways in becoming Doctor Strange. 

We then have an INSANE look of New York as multiple versions of itself all bend into one another with a body falling from the centre of it all. (Probably Doctor Strange). 

As a body falls through a roof (Not sure if it's the same scene). Dr Strange sits back up and pleads "teach me." Before cutting to black and the logo is revealed. 

The last thing we see is Strange walking up some stairs, in costume, before once again cutting to black and revealing the release date to be in Novemever 2016.  

I love this teaser so much. It's been much anticipated and in my eyes, it's living up to the wait and was so worth it. It looks amazing and something completely new to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. All I can say now is, roll on Novemever. 

Doctor Strange - Character History

Doctor Stephen Strange appears first in Strange Tales issue #110 #111 and #14 and we finally receive his backstory in issue #15. 

Dr Strange approaches the Ancient one so he can have the power to use his hands again so he can become a doctor. This is how we find out a little about his past, in that Stephen Strange was stuck up and selfish and didn't do much foe charity or care about much at all other than his well being. 
However just like most super heroes, he was involved in a car accident that broke most of his bones. As a result of this, he can't practice medicine like he wanted to because of the state his hands are now in. The Ancient one refuses to help Dr Strange because of how his past has been portrayed. When Strange is leaving he comes across Baron Mordo who is conjuring Dormanmu (the most dangerous for who Strange ever faces). When Mordo realises Strange is spying on him, Mordo casts a spell on him so he can't speak about this to anyone. Then when Mordo and Strange go back to the Ancient one, Strange tries to tell him what Mordo is summoning, but simply can't. Then when Mordo leaves, the Ancient one releases the curses and tells Strange, that he has passed the test, the even in possible death, Strange still tried to tell the Ancient one what was happening. 
Because of this, Stephen Strange then becomes a pupil of the Ancient one and starts to train with sorcerery and physical combat. 

The Sorcerer Supreme
In issue #10 a demon that had been previously brandished from our dimension, is trying to force his way back into our dimension by passing through the mind of the Ancient one. To destroy the demon, Dr Strange must kill the Ancient one, therefore making Dr Strange the sorcerer supreme of the Marvel universe. 

Doctor Strange gains his powers in multiple different ways, he's got them from beings such as the Ancient one, from books and through demons as well. However, he can still loose his powers and they can be taken away. 
He has been described by Eternity as one of the most power characters. Even when his powers have been decreased he has still gone against many demons and gods and sorcerers. 

Some of his powers include:
Reading Minds 
Lift Objects 
Project energy blasts 
Manipulate energy 
Time travel
Look into both the future and the past
See energy in other dimensions 
Pull people into dimensions 
And there's many many more. 

He is one of the most dangerous Heroes and should be feared by many as he is ranked as high as characters such as Galactus

Doctor Strange will be portrayed by Benedict Cummberbatch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie in November 2016.

Watch the trailer here: http://youtu.be/Lt-U_t2pUHI