Saturday, 26 March 2016

Negan First Look (Walking Dead 6x16 Preview)

Holy F***ing Sh!t!

So if you didn't know, the preview for The Walking Dead Season Finale has been leaked online with our first look at Negan.

Hi I'm Negan.
So if you don't know who Negan is then you're clearly a fan of The Walking Dead show and you're unfamiliar with the comics. Negan, to put it lightly, is worse than The Governor. Negan rules simply with fear and is the leader of well over 50 survivors in a group known as The Saviors. He is introduced in Issue #100 'Something to Fear' and has been fighting Rick and the group ever since. He is looked upon as a king. Anyone who disobeys him or isn't an alley with him gets to meet Lucille. Lucille is a baseball bat... Wrapped in barbed wire, which has taken the lives of many survivors and has stopped even more 'walkers' (zombies) with it.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan
If you don't know who Jeffrey Dean Morgan is, then you're about to! And you're probably going to hate him if you're a fan of Rick and the group as Jeffrey Dean Morgan will portray Negan, making his first appearance in Season 6, Episode 16 of The Walking Dead in a 90 minute episode called 'Last Day on Earth.' And as a friendly piece of advice, all I will say is from now on, don't get too attached to the good guys, because Negan is coming, and when he gets here, he is here to stay.

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